The beginning

However, many things I do, think about, would like to comment about... don't fit in this technical blog, so I decided I would write about that in here. Well, sometimes some things will mix, I guess, because technology is part of my life as well as all the rest...
This last week has been a bit strange for me because I was supposed to start work again after holidays (in Malaysia, more about this later), but instead I got sick, caught a fever and had to stay home. Add to that the fact that our two daughters were at my parents for one week (in the mountains), and that my wife started her new job, and it fet rather lonely at home... Well I did a lot of things, but still. Tomorrow I'll go back to work, it'll feel strange ;-)
In my next posts, I plan to publish what I wrote when I was in Malaysia. The whole thing can be found in my PhotoAlbum. The pictures and entries have been published when we were there, it was a new experience for me to post while travelling. The whole thing was made possible by a web application I wrote and I am quite proud of it. Of course, I am working on improvements already :-)
OK, that's all for tonight... I hope that readers here will find things interesting and if you wish, don't hesitate to get in touch.
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