Souvent pour s'amuser

About kids, travel, life, and the rest

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Location: Stäfa, ZH, Switzerland

I am married and have 2 daughters Alise (2001) and Laeticia (2004). I share my life between family life and my passion, software engineering. My technical website:

23 May 2007

Cleaning the backlog: Our February ski holidays pictures finally online

I've been very busy lately. This is why I have a backlog of unpublished pictures. Here's the first batch of unpublished pictures, relating our ski holidays in Serfaus.
Serfaus, Austria
The ski holidays in Serfaus were just great. We had a great time there. Alise went to ski school every day, and took part to the ski race on the last day. She made a lot of progress!! We had very little snow in the beginning, but then the snow came, and while it made skiing a little more "extreme", it also provided us with excellent ski conditions. Finally, to end a great week, the sun came again, and the last two days were simply perfect.


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